SRA/McGraw-Hill Launches Number Worlds for Pre-K-6

Unique Prevention and Intervention Mathematics Program Provides Targeted, Research-Based Instruction for Faster Assimilation

Dec 21, 2005

In January 2006, leading elementary education publisher SRA/McGraw-Hill, will launch Number Worlds, an intensive mathematics intervention program that focuses on students who are one or more grade levels behind.

Number Worlds provides all the tools teachers need to assess students' abilities, individualize instruction, build foundational skills and concepts, and make learning fun for students in Grades Pre-K-6.

"Research shows most children connect quantities with numbers around the age of five," said McGraw-Hill Learning Group President Peter Sayeski. "But students who haven't reached this developmental milestone have a difficult time making sense of the math taught in schools. Using Number Worlds, teachers help students discover and construct relationships between quantities and numbers, which provides the foundation for future math success."

Number Worlds is the only program that includes prevention instruction for students in Grades Pre-K-1. This 30-week course of daily instruction improves students' grasp of the world of math, so they can move forward with a head start.

For students in Grades 2-6 who are behind in math, Number Worlds uses a carefully structured sequence of hands-on, computer, discussion, and paper- and-pencil activities to help teachers develop student skills and understanding. The research-based and field-tested lessons of Number Worlds help build the prerequisite skills and concepts students need to succeed in mathematics. With each daily lesson, teachers have the opportunity to reach the program's knowledge objectives through problem-solving activities, small- group interaction, and discussion.

Standards-based assessment and progress-monitoring ensure correct student placement and tracks their progress.

Research-Proven Success

In a longitudinal study, progress of three groups of children was measured from the beginning of Kindergarten through the end of Grade 2. The treatment group (children receiving instruction with the Number Worlds program) and the control group both consisted of children one to two years behind in normative measures of mathematical knowledge. The normative group consisted of students who began on-level with their peers and who were of similar demographics. These tests showed that by the end of Grade 2, students in the treatment group who began at a disadvantage and benefited from the Number Worlds instructional program actually surpassed the performance of students in the control group who began on-level. Students in the control group continued to fall behind their peers.

About SRA/McGraw-Hill

SRA/McGraw-Hill is the top provider of specialized research-based educational programs and professional development for the elementary market. Leading programs include Open Court Reading, Direct Instruction, and Real Math. SRA is a part of McGraw-Hill Education, a leading pre-K through Grade 12 educational publisher and a unit of The McGraw-Hill Companies (NYSE: MHP). Founded in 1888, The McGraw-Hill Companies is a global information services provider meeting worldwide needs in the financial services, education, and business information markets through leading brands such as Standard & Poor's and BusinessWeek. The Corporation has more than 300 offices in 40 countries. Sales in 2004 were $5.3 billion. Additional information is available at For more information on SRA/McGraw-Hill's products, call 1-888-SRA-4543 or visit

SOURCE: McGraw-Hill Education

CONTACT: Lisa Caudle
Susan Vaughn
Paul Werth Associates
+1-614-224-8114 Ext. 224

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